TripleHard technology is based on trivalent electrolytic process that can exploit a similar infrastructure as Cr(VI). The basic concept is quite similar: degreasing, activation, optional nickel-plating and chromium plating. Between each step follows a rinsing step with water to prevent contamination.
The plating tank can be made of e.g. titanium, titanium with HDPE lining or HDPE. The usage of steel should be minimized, as it corrodes and contaminates the chromium bath. Also traces of zinc and copper are harmful for trivalent chromium process and the usage of them should be avoided near the bath. Anodes can be made from either graphite or Ti-MMO (Titanium-mixed metal oxide). Standard rectifiers and such can be used.
The conversion of CrVI plating line to the TripleHard one is simple and does not require a complete makeover. In fact, as hexavalent process fumes and ventilation air needs to be filtered and purified, in trivalent process this is not necessary as the fumes are far less harmful and therefore only a standard air ventilation is sufficient.